Are you the type to plan for the holidays or do you like to just wing it? Either way, both still need a lot of effort. This is why most people are so stressed out about the holidays, with all the buying, wrapping, planning, and inviting.
With all these holiday shenanigans, some business owners have difficulty keeping their social media accounts updated. Here are some ideas you can do to get your social media into the holidays.

1. Explore Free Online Apps
There are a variety of online applications you can use to plan your posts ahead. For example, Planoly is one of our trusted platforms for scheduling posts. They have some free features for people who want to try it out. Another helpful application for us is Canva. It is our holy grail in content creation! You can choose from a lot of templates or even create your own design from scratch! There are also a variety of stock photos available online like
The key is keeping in line with your brand. Stay true to your aesthetic and be genuine in everything you post, surely your followers will love it!
2. Holiday Giveaways
Who doesn't like free stuff right? Everyone loves it! Some content creators often include tagging their friends as part of the mechanics. It's a great way to interact with your followers and grow it too. Also, it's one of the best ways to let your brand know.
Another great idea is looking for collaborators for your giveaway. You can tap other content creators and business owners to do a giveaway with all your products in packages. What makes this technique great is that you can support others by letting your followers know about them and vice versa.
3. Holiday Games
If you're still growing your brand and big giveaways are a bit hard for you to organize, you can start by having a guessing game with your followers.
One of the most famous IG interactive games includes "This or That". This game is often played through IG stories, wherein people would have to pick one from the poll.
Another game would be the "Get to know me" IG story. It will be a series of questions about you and your brand. This will help you know how much your followers really know you. You can add some easter eggs or fun facts too!
4. Holiday tips
Posting holiday tips is best for creators who post DIYs or recipes. Posting tips and asking your followers to tag their friends, family, or anyone who might be interested is an amazing way to get your brand out there. Keep in mind to share DIYs or recipes that are easy to follow. In doing so, it will make you more credible for doing DIYs.
If your niche is more of the service side, you may give them tips on how and where they can avail the best services during the holidays! This is your chance to look for collaborations and maybe have a discount code for the holidays. Everybody loves discounts.
Another amazing tip: Do a “12 days of Christmas” themed tips! Thank me later.
5. Use specific hashtags
During the holidays, people are scouring for ideas all over the internet. Using holiday-themed hashtags or even location-specific ones will help you target your audience even better.
All of these may be easy to say but it needs a lot of effort and creativity to pull it through. When you feel like you can't, remember that... WE CAN!
We were created to be of help to everyone who feels lost but would like to grow their business' online presence. Our team can definitely do all the nitty-gritty! B with us now.
6. Be Your BOSS SELF!
Last but not least be you. The most boss version of you.

Love, The S & S Creative Team